Monday, August 4, 2008

Best Tracks of '08 (so far)

Sure, technically we are 59% of our way through 2008 so doing a 'halfway' check-in of the year's best tracks seems tardy. I'm going to argue the month of January, though 31 days, ultimately equates to roughly 8 or 9 days in the music blogosphere time-table, so I'm much closer to the 50% mark in reality. Anyways, here are my personal highlights:

Adele - "Chasing Pavements'
Beck - "Walls"
The Black Keys - "Strange Times"
Brendan Canning - "Hit The Wall"
Coldplay - "42"
Cold War Kids - "Something Is Not Right With Me"
Death Cab For Cutie - "Cath..."
DeVotchKa - "The Clockwise Witness"
The Dodos - "Fools"
Estelle - "American Boy (ft. Kanye West)"
Fleet Foxes - "White Winter Hymnal"
French Kicks - "Said So What"
Frightened Rabbit - "Good Arms Vs. Bad Arms"
Gnarls Barkley - "Who's Gonna Save My Soul?"
Jamie Lidell - "Another Day"
M83 - "Graveyard Girl"
Masses With Masses - "Morning, Morning"
Mates of State - "Get Better"
MGMT - "Electric Feel"
My Morning Jacket - "Touch Me I'm Going To Scream Pt. 1"
Mystery Jets - "Young Love"
Neon Neon - "Dream Girls"
No Age - "Eraser"
The Notwist - "Good Lies"
REM - "Supernatural Superserious"
The Radio Dept. - "Freddie and the Trojan Horse"
Santogold - "Lights Out"
Sigur Ros - "Gobbledigook"
Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin - "Glue Girls"
The Streets - "The Escapist"
Tokyo Police Club - "Centennial"
Vampire Weekend - "M79"
The Walkmen - "In The New Year"
The Whigs - "Right Hand On My Heart"
Wolf Parade - "Soldier's Grin"


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