Thursday, August 21, 2008

Turf Club

After an entire summer away, we've decided to play in Minneapolis again. We're excited to play on our home turf again after a summer of touring through other band's turf, so we've decided to play at the Turf Club.

Theses Modern Socks
Future Antiques

We play first out of the four bands.

Friday, August 22nd
Turf Club

Tell your friends!


Friday, August 15, 2008

The National...

...debuted a new song entitled "A Thousand Black Cities" at their recent show in Copenhagen.


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

City Pages Review

Well, we've said it before but it won't hurt to say again...

Check out his review of Literal Scene here. Thanks, buddy! You deserve a deep-tissue massage.


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Muppets Go Viral


Make sure and stay to the very end of each one. They've got a bit of a new twist on an old Muppet tradition.

Stars and Stripes Forever

Ode to Joy

Classical Chickens

Habanera (my personal favorite)


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

More New Kings of Leon

As our own Crocodile Dundee pointed out himself, Kings of Leon have a new album arriving in September. That's old news. This week they've given us another taste by means of their MySpace page, and although unfortunately titled ("Sex on Fire"?), the track is miles better than the previously-released "Crawl." Before I was just excited - now I'm stone-cold excited. Yeah.


I May Need Help. But First - More 'Mad Men'!

This Onion news brief hit a little too close to home for me. I've never really felt picked on by The Onion until now, although I suppose it was inevitable that this day would eventually come. See for yourself.


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Video Grab Bag

Enjoy some videos, free of charge. You're welcome.

Here's one of the (sadly few) highlights from this past Sunday's 'Tim and Eric' featuring Will Forte of 'SNL.' Though silly, I do agree with his point about dogs being raw and living.

Fleet Foxes perform "Blue Ridge Mountains" on 'The Late Show' last night (8/5). I love how Dave brings the album out with him when he greets the band afterward. Whether or not this is brought on by Dave's old age and forgetfulness, or from his newly acquired love for the band, it's a beautiful moment - one that I can't say I've witnessed before.

I finally finished my summer project of making another trek through season 2 of 'LOST' (yeah, I can't believe it took me this long, either) and I stumbled upon this feature in the extras that I somehow initially missed. Why can't we get 'LOST' promos like this in America?

Few can pull off a worth-while Radiohead cover, but it appears Gnarls Barkley were up to the challenge. Known for dressing in costume when they perform, I guess Cee-lo was going for the 'Kid Rock' look?

Monday, August 4, 2008

Best Tracks of '08 (so far)

Sure, technically we are 59% of our way through 2008 so doing a 'halfway' check-in of the year's best tracks seems tardy. I'm going to argue the month of January, though 31 days, ultimately equates to roughly 8 or 9 days in the music blogosphere time-table, so I'm much closer to the 50% mark in reality. Anyways, here are my personal highlights:

Adele - "Chasing Pavements'
Beck - "Walls"
The Black Keys - "Strange Times"
Brendan Canning - "Hit The Wall"
Coldplay - "42"
Cold War Kids - "Something Is Not Right With Me"
Death Cab For Cutie - "Cath..."
DeVotchKa - "The Clockwise Witness"
The Dodos - "Fools"
Estelle - "American Boy (ft. Kanye West)"
Fleet Foxes - "White Winter Hymnal"
French Kicks - "Said So What"
Frightened Rabbit - "Good Arms Vs. Bad Arms"
Gnarls Barkley - "Who's Gonna Save My Soul?"
Jamie Lidell - "Another Day"
M83 - "Graveyard Girl"
Masses With Masses - "Morning, Morning"
Mates of State - "Get Better"
MGMT - "Electric Feel"
My Morning Jacket - "Touch Me I'm Going To Scream Pt. 1"
Mystery Jets - "Young Love"
Neon Neon - "Dream Girls"
No Age - "Eraser"
The Notwist - "Good Lies"
REM - "Supernatural Superserious"
The Radio Dept. - "Freddie and the Trojan Horse"
Santogold - "Lights Out"
Sigur Ros - "Gobbledigook"
Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin - "Glue Girls"
The Streets - "The Escapist"
Tokyo Police Club - "Centennial"
Vampire Weekend - "M79"
The Walkmen - "In The New Year"
The Whigs - "Right Hand On My Heart"
Wolf Parade - "Soldier's Grin"
