This blog comes to you from the back of a van moving a steady 65 mph down the highway. We'll be updating every day with pictures, stories, and videos from our adventure across the country. Tell your friends, because we might just be heading your way.
6.25 Baltimore, MD, The Sidebar
6.26 Philadelphia, PA, The Fire
6.27 New York, NY, The Rehab Lounge
6.28 Cleveland, OH, Bella Dubby
7.10 Iowa City, IA, The Picador
7.11 Omaha, NE, Saddle Creek Bar
7.16 Bend, OR, The Summit Room
7.17 Portland, OR, Towne Lounge
7.18 Seattle, WA, The Ground Zero
7.19 San Francisco, CA, El Rio
7.23, Denver, CO, Quixote's
More dates may fall into place as we drive, and we're also planning a Minneapolis show just after we return!
Vincent Van has already been good to us.
After a 12 hour drive, with few bathroom stops, we pulled up in front of The Blue Rock Tavern. This place was awesome, and so were the three extremo hardcore punk bands we played with, Means to an End, Hooker Spit Windex, and Brody's Militia. We were out of there by one, since each band only played a fifteen minute set, or approximately ten songs each, and we decided to limit our set to a solid 45. They were gracious enough to let us open for them, as going anywhere but first would have resulted in an unsatisfactory change in mood. Still, they were all cool guys, and we got along great.
Please notice the blood on the face of Brody Militia's lead singer's face in the picture on the right. That was self inflicted. Microphone to the forehead. Brendan and Mike moshed with these guys during the earlier punk bands (videos coming soon), even knocking a few of them down in the frivolous violence of companionship, but when Brody's Milita came onto the stage, the hardcore-ness flew to an entirely new level. Even the almighty Goob was coyed into submission. Slightly terrifying.
I'll leave you guys with a few random pictures, and some videos from our youtube channel,
(not pictured: me, eric)
We're currently on the way to Maryland, and as per usual, Blake is quoting Aquateen Hunger Force in the back seat. We just entered Muskingum County, listening to Lauryn Hill.
Congrats on the Current news! And on Metro magazine! Wish we could see you in San Fran!
What's this I hear about an Aussie tour?
Looks like you guys are having a great time already! I love touring...anyways, I'm currently working my butt off to get you guys more dates. I'll let you know how that goes.
Did ol' Dubbya steal Eric? We will wait for proof that he is still with the group!! Enjoy!
Hello guys:
So glad you went to he capital - keep blogging to keep us posted and keep the photos coming - landscape photos would be enjoyed to by us here in Iowa!
Jennifer G.
Glad to hear the tour is going well. You make me proud to be an ole. Good work plagiarists.
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